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If you have received your order and would like to return it, please contact our Customer Service team on 1-858-585-4959 (Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm PDT/PST) or on email return@snugideas.com and ask for a Returns Authorization number.

To be eligible for a return/refund, item(s) MUST be returned within 10 days of receipt in their original condition, please do not return opened items as we will be unable to process a refund.

Please note: We DO NOT accept returns on items which are customized or made to order which covers Wallpaper Samples, Paint (including tester pots) and Customized Wall Murals. Please contact us and we can let you know the best way to dispose of these items.


If you have placed an order and it has not yet shipped (excluding bespoke wall mural orders), you may cancel it by contacting our Customer Service team on 1-858-585-4959 (Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm EST) or on email return@snugideas.com.


We always strive to have your goods delivered in perfect condition, if you do receive a faulty or damaged item please contact us and provide images to SnugIdeas Support and we will try to put this right as quickly as possible.

All faulty or damaged goods need to be reported to us within 5 business days.